Invest in yourself

martes, junio 01, 2021


And I'm back!! 

It's been over a month of an unplanned "break" due to my laptop shutting down. Luckly I've been paying for a support&care plan since I got it, and when finally it was written off, I got a voucher to buy a new one.

Of course, I've been stressed and worried, especially the first 10 days, but then I reminded myself I was making all this mess a bigger deal than what it was. Taking a break from SecondLife and blogging is not only good but necessary too. 

I've been rethinking all my blogging, what I wanted to really do, and I realized that I wasn't enjoying it as I used to, and the fault is only mine. I'm very bad at saying no, and also I applied for more than I could really manage, then not only stress happens but also the inspiration and creativity fades away, blogging becomes another chore and is less fun.

I've started to go to the gym again after work, I've loved the quiet evening watching movies, and going to bed and wake up refreshed! Not only I feel better rested and in peace with myself, but physically my skin is better and I have more energy, not to mention the chilled mood!!

I'm not going to let that go, I want to enjoy working on my blog, I wan't my pictures to come from my own inspiration and feelings, have time to write a bit more too, and stop rushing.

I do not want to say goodbye to all my sponsors, but I may have to reduce more the list I have, let see how all goes!

I got my new laptop delivered this weekend, right on time for my birth month, June, and a new round of The Arcade. I must say it's been some time I have seen so many great releases, you don't want to miss it!! I'm very inspired by the things I've seen so far, and I wanted my first blog post to reflect my relaxed mood with a few things you can find there. I hope you like it! ❤

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
Skin: [Glam Affair]  Bibi Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Almond  The Arcade June 2021
Enhancers: [Glam Affair] Lovely Brows - 01 D The Arcade June 2021
                   [Glam Affair] Bibi - Blush 4 The Arcade June 2021
                   [Glam Affair] Bibi - Closed Eyes - Almond The Arcade June 2021 
                   [Glam Affair] Selly - Moles (B)

Hairbase: Tableau Vivant  \\ leLutka EvoX Hairbase 09 - 007 Collabor88 June 2021
Body: [BODY] Legacy (f) (1.4)
Body applier: [theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM - Round mocca

Pose and prop by Ana Poses & Contrast - Milk Bathtub RARE  pose 7 The Arcade June 2021

{anc} bathtime /  leaves & fish (white) The Arcade June 2021
-Garden- by anc "baby's breash"{natural} line
-Garden- by anc "big leaf" one/natural{field}

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