Don't be afraid of change

martes, julio 06, 2021

This year is clearly becoming my year of change...
Focusing on myself, taking care of myself, and working towards my inner peace... sounds too relaxing?
I'm feeling better with and about myself, even if I don't like my job and every day is a burden :P 
Life in a big city is tough, and even if I've tried different things, the last few years had only gotten worse and worse, and after much deliberation... I've decided I'm quitting my job, packing my things, and going back "home" :O
Yes!....tomorrow I'm handing in my resignation!
I'm happy, excited, scared, anxious, worried, impatient... such an emotional rollercoaster!

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
Skin: [theSkinnery] Cassie (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Anna Bun

Pose by Amitie Bathtube with Bubbles - Water 06 

MINIMAL - Natural Nude Backdrop -Left Corner-
DaD "Bamboo Divider Corner w lighting" Summerfest'21 until the 11th July
driftwood. Grove Park Art. 1 @ FaMESEHed July 2021
driftwood. Grove Park Art. 4 @ FaMESEHed July 2021
Acrid. marble bath (ADULT) #3 @FaMESHed X June 2021

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