Apple Fall

Do something for you today

domingo, agosto 29, 2021

Sometimes I feel like writing, other times... I'm just feeling and don't find a way to put into words what's in my head. 
These last couple of weeks had been full of feelings, emotions, fears, smiles, worries, stress and love... quite a variety!
So I'm doing my best to take care of myself, and do things for me <3

Apple Fall 
Apple Fall Jar Candle - Crisp Cotton, Open
Apple Fall Bathroom Lotions - Soaps
Apple Fall Bathroom Lotions - Oils
Apple Fall Bath Brushes in Milk Glass Jar
Apple Fall Make-up Brush Assortment w/ Horn Jar
Apple Fall Scented Candle
dust bunny . hanging plants . double planter
Granola. Giselle LIpsticks. Dark.
Granola. Giselle Vanity. Dark.
Granola. Giselle Vanity Stool PG. Dark.
Granola. Giselle Vanity Mirror. Dark.
Granola. Giselle Vanity Peonies. Yellow.
Granola. Giselle Beauty Organizer.
Granola. Nivea Bath Tray. Wood @FLF Birthday Bash! until September the 3rd
Granola. Nivea Bath Towels Gift. @FLF Birthday Bash! until September the 3rd
MVT - Beauty time products - Pink
MH Ayla Bath Adult @FaMESHed X August 2021
MH Ayla Bath Bombs @FaMESHed X August 2021
MH Ayla Wax Warmer @FaMESHed X August 2021
MH Ayla Bathroom Basket @FLF Birthday Bash! until September the 3rd
MH Teardrop Sconce
Nutmeg. Apple Terrace Potted Tree

Building used: Scarlet Creative Catskill Lodge Revisited


Summer night memories

miércoles, agosto 25, 2021

*Water has been edited*

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX LAKE 3.1
Skin: [Glam Affair] Kaya Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Caramel B Collabor88 August 2021
Enhancers: [Glam Affair] Kaya - Lips Gloss (B) Collabor88 August 2021
                     [Glam Affair] Kaya - EyeLiner (A) Collabor88 August 2021
                     [Glam Affair] Kaya - Face Gloss Collabor88 August 2021
Body: [BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.4)
Hair: DOUX - Sophie Hairstyle Equal10 until the 5th July
Earrings, necklace & nipple ring: Rise Design [ rD ] Lenore @FaMESHed X August 2021

Pose by Amitie Amitie Hammock 05

Ariskea [Juniper] Mossy Pond & Waterlily Kustom9 August 2021
tarte. star lights (white) - air Collabor88 August 2021

Apple Fall


martes, agosto 24, 2021


I've always loved Scarlet Creative's Catskill Lodge, so I was very excited to see the changes/improvements on the "Revisited" version, and yes I love it even more now. 

It's very different from the Scandinavian log houses, but somehow it always reminded me of my summers in Sommaröarna when visiting my granny and family in Finland as a kid. To showcase this revisited version I wanted to recreate a summer house by a lake, where you would spend all day outdoors, swimming, reading, gardening, or just chilling, and there are no real walls or fences, everything is open.

Building: Scarlet Creative Catskill Lodge Revisited

Sitting area: 
Apple Fall Olive Tree, Small
Apple Fall Hampton Outdoor Fireplace
Apple Fall Brass Candlesticks
Apple Fall Rustic Cart Coffee Table
Apple Fall Lily Wicker Chair - Vines
Apple Fall Lily Wicker Sofa - Vines
Apple Fall Spring Parasol
Ariskea [Monterey] String Lights

By the house:
Apple Fall Carved Cabinet - Olive
Apple Fall Large Magnolia Branch
Apple Fall Clay Hand Sculpture
Apple Fall Baby Pomegranate Spray - Clay Pot
Apple Fall Single Cut Hydrangea - White
Apple Fall Dried Poppy Stems
Apple Fall Euphorbia Cactus
Apple Fall Begonia Maculata
Apple Fall Magnolia Leaf Wreath
Apple Fall Clag Jug, Resting
Apple Fall Potted Agave - Variegated
Apple Fall Found Wood Vessel
dust bunny . rainboot cart
dust bunny . hanging plants . double planter
dust bunny . hanging plants . ivy planter
dust bunny . hanging plants . cheese plant
Scarlet Creative Tulum Patio Chair - Black
Scarlet Creative Darcy Blankets - Festive Pack

Apple Fall Hartley Fencing Tall, Sweep Left - Silvered
Apple Fall Hartley Fencing Tall, Sweep Right - Silvered
Apple Fall Hartley Fencing Short, Wide - Silvered
Apple Fall Hartley Fencing Tall, Archway - Silvered
Apple Fall Blossom Garden Lamp - Nickel
Apple Fall Blossom Wreath
Apple Fall Stone Artichoke - Lichen
Apple Fall Rusted Planter
Apple Fall Oregon Wood-fired Spa, Aged Oak - PG
[Con.] Bluebird String Light Trellis
hive // boxwood bush . rectangle medium

Used inside:
Apple Fall Wooden Tribal Jars
Apple Fall Carter Lamp - Bronze
Apple Fall Dapper Chair - Chocolate Leather
Apple Fall Nouveau Screen
dust bunny . potted cheese plant
dust bunny . potted palm
Scarlet Creative Darcy Navy Bench MC
Scarlet Creative Barton Rug Dark
Scarlet Creative Darcy Coffee Table
Scarlet Creative Brooklyn Sofa PG Navy
Scarlet Creative Darcy Area Log Carrier - Festive Pack
Scarlet Creative Lyra Blanket Pile MC
Scarlet Creative Darcy Coat Hook with Bags and Shoes MC

Used for landscaping:
Apple Fall Flagstones
HPMD* Shrub02 - green
Skye Rocky Platforms Building set
-kye Rocky Shore building set
Skye Birch Grove Building Set.

Ana Poses

Hot summer nights

viernes, agosto 20, 2021

The heatwave is slowly fading away, 2 or 3 degrees do not make a big difference.
During the cold winter, is sometimes hard to imagine how those hot summer nights we sleep with the windows open, and even chill and doze off on the balcony

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX LAKE 3.1
Skin: [theSkinnery] Cassie (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca BBH
Hair: tram J0324 hair
Top: DEAD DOLL - Sweet Corset - Black (L. Perky) @FLF Birthday Bash! until September the 3rd
Shorts: .SALT - V1 ASA SHORTS 30% Anthem August 2021
Bracelet: NaaNaa's Masri Handaccessories Legacy Anthem August 2021
Cigarette: [NikotiN] Classic Cigarette 

Pose by Ana Poses - Her September 7

Backdrop by FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Neighbourhood


Holiday poscards

jueves, agosto 19, 2021

As I've recently moved, there are no real holidays for me, many things to sort out and organize, but still doing my best to enjoy the "summer feeling" and the sunshine.
Of course in SL whenever I have the opportunity I like to create my own little paradise to chill and get that holiday vibe <3

Building: DaD "Paradise Resort" v.1.0 c/m @ FaMESEHed August 2021

DaD "Les Memoires Tropical Hammock"  PG V.1.0 c/m Uber from 24th July 2021
DaD "Bamboo Divider Straight w lighting" c/m
DaD "BoraBora Umbrella" c/m
Nutmeg. Serene Poolside Sun Lounger
Nutmeg. Serene Poolside Sun Lounger w/Towel
Nutmeg. Serene Poolside Towel Basket
Rattletrap Dolcevita Classic canopy down

Used for landscaping:
8f8 - just add water - The Island
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass08 -greens-
LB_Bougainvillea{Animated}Seasons*Limited Edition
LB_BirdFlower{With Flowers Menu}
Skye Beach Rocks
Skye Sandy Beach
Skye Alligator Apple Bush (small leaf)


Devil thoughts

jueves, agosto 19, 2021


Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX LAKE 3.1
Skin: [theSkinnery] Cassie (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca BBH
Hair: ItGirls - Kim Ponytail - Mesh
Top: AVEC TOI - Nocturne Tank Top (LegacyPERKY) @FaMESHed X August 2021
Trousers: AVEC TOI - Nocturne Trousers (Legacy) FOR Suspenders @FaMESHed X August 2021
Suspenders: AVEC TOI - Nocturne Suspenders (LegacyPERKY) FOR Tank @FaMESHed X August 2021
Hat: AVEC TOI - Nocturne Kepi (Unrigged) @FaMESHed X August 2021
Bracelet: #187# Handcuffs Melee Black-Gold L
Shoes: [Gos] Natasha Rope Sandals - Boutique [legacy] @FaMESHed X August 2021
Cigarette: .06 [ Kunst ] - Short Cigarette Holder (hand)

Pose by FOXCITY. Legs for Days-7



martes, agosto 17, 2021

I've been quiet the last couple of weeks, and especially these last days. Last week I took my flight back to my gorgeous island.
If only a trip can be tiring...imagine if you are moving countries!
So much stress, so many emotions, worries, so much excitement, and smiles.

It's only been 5 days but I've had Beach day, family dinner, a cousin's wedding, and a family lunch... I think I still have some hangover, but it's very likely to be just my body adjusting to the changes and all the emotions, plus the heat wave! YAY!

Real summer and more beach days to come <3
Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
Skin:  [Glam Affair] Nevaeh Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Caramel B Kustom9 August 2021
Enhancers:  [Glam Affair] Nevaeh Freckles  (A) 50% Kustom9 August 2021
                     [Glam Affair] Nevaeh - Lips Gloss (B) Kustom9 August 2021
Hairbase: Tableau Vivant \\ leLutka EvoX Hairbase 11 - 007
Hair: Tableau Vivant - Gigi updo Add-On
Lashes: MICHAN - Jade Lashes - Night [Lel EVOx] Anthem August 2021
Eyeshadows: keikumu - lumiere eyeshadows (lelutka evo x - prism 1) Anthem August 2021
Swimsuit: Mon Cheri - Tara Swimsuit - Legacy Perky Anthem August 2021
Necklace: KUNGLERS - Rayna necklace Cosmopolitan until the 23rd August 2021

Pose/prop : Concept 01. Summer Days. Lost Float

Dust Bunny

Visual escapism

martes, agosto 03, 2021

The aesthetics of black rocks and black sand in contrast with the sea is so gorgeous! It takes me back to the north coast of my island. The sea is too wild and seaspray so dense always, that wouldn't be really possible to live that close (not allowed by law) and the windows wouldn't look that nice.

But in SL we can dream! so anytime I can I rezz my houses by or in the sea. Scarlet Creative's Barcelona Beach cabin, is minimal, beautiful and stylish, so much glass, I thought it could pair very nicely with Facy Decor's Larsen set for Fameshed this month. Keeping it simple, clean, modern, using monochromes to connect with the blacks and greys of the rocks and letting the sea and the dracaenas to finish the job <3

Building: Scarlet Creative Barcelona Beach Cabin
dust bunny . potted sago palm
Fancy Decor: Larsen Bed  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Side Table  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Lamp  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Water Tray  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Rug  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Art  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Art B  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Art C  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
Fancy Decor: Larsen Leaning Mirror  @ FaMESEHed August 2021
hive // potted plants . gold dust dracaenas . pot b
MINIMAL - Ceiling Lamps Collection Gacha #10
Scarlet Creative Barcelona Patio Chair - White
Scarlet Creative Barcelona Wool Rug
Scarlet Creative Barcelona Branches
Scarlet Creative Barcelona Vases
HPMD* Gravel Ground -green-
Skye Beach Rock set


My shining star

lunes, agosto 02, 2021

We may be far apart, we may not see each other for long periods of time, it may take us months to take a picture together, but you are my shining star when it gets dark, my summer in a message.

We are very different, and we have so much in common!
Our birthdays are just a couple of days apart, and, of course, we always want to take a picture together to celebrate, but it's always a great challenge!
We are working on changing that ;)

Love you my churritina <3

PS when we finally get together, focused on the light and for both to get it right... I didn't activate the shadows, antialiasing etc... so yes that was tough! Like on the old days, drawing any shadows I could think of to bring the picture to life *sighs*

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX LAKE 3.1
Skin: [theSkinnery] Cassie (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca BBH
Hair: ItGirls - Kim Ponytail - Mesh
Bikini: Addams // Tiara Birthday Halter Bikini // Perky
Sunglasses: BONDI . The Majestic Glasses @ FaMESEHed August 2021

My pose by Amitie Hammock 01 @ Shiny Shabby from 20th July 2021
Belen's pose: FOXCITY. Mermaid-2
Float: Granola. Private Jet Pool Float. Baby Blue
Floating drinks: Dahlia - Flamingo Dispenser - Coconut
                             Dahlia - Flamingo Dispenser - Pineapple

Apple Fall

Are you ready baby?

domingo, agosto 01, 2021


Years pass by, I'm no longer in my 20's neither my 30's but I'm still feeling sexy ^^
While packing my things for my move, I had to go through my wardrobe trying on lots of clothes to decide whether to give them away or take them with me, so I found some that helped me to feel my sexy back ;) 

The Graduate (1967) - "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?"

Head: LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX LAKE 3.1
Skin: [theSkinnery] Cassie (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca
Hair: TRUTH / Curious / VIP Group Gift
Dress: DEAD DOLL - Catena Dress Uber from 24th July 2021
Earrings&Necklace: KUNGLERS  - Olyvia Set The Liaison Collaborative from the 18th July
Rings: KUNGLERS  - Evion ring @ Cosmopolitan from the 26th July
Holding: :::ChicChica::: Flirtini R 
               :::ChicChica::: Olives L

Pose by Amitie Spring Tulips 01

Building used: (Milk Motion) Paris Haussmann apartment

Apple Fall
Apple Fall Brass Candlesticks
Apple Fall White Iris
Apple Fall 'Lucky Numbers' Cigarettes & Tray
Apple Fall Glass Bubble Lamp
Fancy Décor  
Fancy Decor: Carlton Sofa (adult) Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Marble Side Table 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Floor Lamp (texture change) 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Coffee Table 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Armchair - green 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Rug 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Side Table (texture change) 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Artwork 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Carlton Sculpture 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Merlot Wine Glass 
Uber from 24th July 2021
Fancy Decor: Madsen Painting (texture change)
Fancy Decor: Spencer Painting - G. Earp Pastoral Scene